I'm always reading something. I just finished reading Al Franken's Giant of the Senate. It was a twist in perspective, still relevant, and I miss Franken's voice in our political commentary. I also read So You want to talk about Race by Ijeoma Oluo, an awesome tutorial for a dorky white woman like me. But sometimes ...
When I get tired of reading the serious stuff, the political stuff, the social justice stuff, I read books intended for kids. Don't ask me why I read middle grade adventure, but my latest was Beyond the Moon by R.J. Wood, the second book in The Voyages of Jake Flynn series. I used to tell people that I read to see what my son was reading or what he might like to read next. Since he's seventeen, I had to change my story so I started telling people I read kid books because I needed to be able to recommend stuff to my students. That's a good ruse, right?
But none of it was true.
I just like reading books intended for kids. Adventures are the best. Bring an awkward kid into a new universe. This awkward girl still loves characters like Jake Flynn. Plus, I always wanted to learn to sail so the nautical themes draw me farther in. Twist space and time, add compelling characters, then I'm completely hooked.
In Beyond the Moon, Jake Flynn's latest adventure brings me back into the story after I met him in the first book, Destiny's Gambit. There, he'd gathered a motley assortment of friends, the best kind, and discovered that he had talents he'd never dreamed a boy could have.
Here's an excerpt:
The hard part of having talents is that things don't always run smoothly when you have to use them under pressure. Leadership comes naturally to Jake, but he doesn't know if he wants to be a leader. He just wants to find his father. If it were me, I'd take all the flying skills and see the universe, without having to battle an evil snake-woman.
There's always an snake-woman or someone equally disturbing, isn't there?
Jake and his crew pull it together, race through an asteroid field with evil in hot pursuit and danger closing in on all sides. They travel into cultures rife with complexity and ancient beauty. I could close my eyes and see the universe that R.J. Wood put on his pages. This story is rich with detail, and complex characters all vying to get to Jake before his powers are fully realized. Only his intuition and his friends save him.
So, forget that the lawn needs to be mowed and dirty dishes fill the sink. Take a break from resisting the current administration in DC. You just want to sit on the couch with your son's copy of Beyond the Moon.
Never mind that he wanted to crack the spine before you got to it. You need an adventure. You deserve an adventure. Go for it.
Thank you for listening, jules

When I get tired of reading the serious stuff, the political stuff, the social justice stuff, I read books intended for kids. Don't ask me why I read middle grade adventure, but my latest was Beyond the Moon by R.J. Wood, the second book in The Voyages of Jake Flynn series. I used to tell people that I read to see what my son was reading or what he might like to read next. Since he's seventeen, I had to change my story so I started telling people I read kid books because I needed to be able to recommend stuff to my students. That's a good ruse, right?
But none of it was true.
I just like reading books intended for kids. Adventures are the best. Bring an awkward kid into a new universe. This awkward girl still loves characters like Jake Flynn. Plus, I always wanted to learn to sail so the nautical themes draw me farther in. Twist space and time, add compelling characters, then I'm completely hooked.
In Beyond the Moon, Jake Flynn's latest adventure brings me back into the story after I met him in the first book, Destiny's Gambit. There, he'd gathered a motley assortment of friends, the best kind, and discovered that he had talents he'd never dreamed a boy could have.
Here's an excerpt:
Far from
civilization, in a clearing surrounded by the wild leafage and vines of an
ancient rainforest, sat a wide pool fed by a stony creek. Near and far the
calls of birds and animals mixed with the sounds of gurgling water in an
endless discord. The air was warm and humid, made more so than usual by a
furious rain shower just an hour before. Normalcy ended here. The vegetation
was not the expected shades of green and yellow, but rather a tie dye of
fantastic colors that ran the rainbow spectrum. This was not Earth, it was the
Calico Jungle of the planet Abongo.
Jake Flynn
stood on a red blanket of thick moss that ran along the bank of the natural
pond. His hands were shoved deep within his pockets while he reflected on the
past few weeks. The last of the wounded crewmen had died that morning, and the
full responsibility for what had happened in the battle above Nystal washed
over him. He stood there lost in thought for a long while, until bright
sunshine broke through upon the pool. A perfect reflection of the vibrant
foliage formed on the still water. This caught his eye, and he glanced up at the
light, but it had little effect on his mood that better matched the brooding
darkness under the jungle canopy. He took a deep breath for a moment of relief.
Jake returned to his
purpose. He reached down and picked up a stone from a small pile he had gathered
earlier. The smooth rock hurtled out over the pond with a tight twist as it
went. Splunk! It landed with a splash that sent a short spray of water up into
the air. He reached down for another stone. This one skipped thrice before it
submerged. Perfect circles atop the water rippled toward the banks of the pond.
Jake watched the rings expand until he became captured again by his own
thoughts. Once more the sounds of battle and the cries of the injured returned.
He stood frozen there well after the water had become motionless once more.
It was not until the
clouds above closed in again that Jake emerged from his inner self. The image
on the pond was gone now and replaced by an ebony sheen. Footsteps met his ear
and he turned his head. Someone was coming. The bushes rustled, and he prepared
to bolt. Out came a girl his own age, Jehnna Marik. She held in her arms a
shaggy house cat with a large head.
Jehnna took one look at
Jake and exhaled in a huff.
“You still worrying
about the carpenter’s mate?” she asked as she came forward.
Jake had already heard
Jehnna’s opinion on the matter. Mourn the loss, but move on. It was a sentiment
shared by the rest of his companions as well. None of them seemed to understand. Being a Corsair, a Cosmic Magian who
could power and fly ships, and having people look up to him as the ‘Justicar’
was a lot of pressure for a twelve-year-old.
“Where did you get that
cat?” he asked. Jehnna motioned back the way she had come.
“Back there, up the
ridge a way by a cave. It was limping. Poor thing. It had a thorn in its paw,
but I got it out. It bled a little, but seems fine now. It’s a baby you know.”
The cub resembled an
earth tiger, but its fur was a speckled grey save for a pink spot on its
wounded forepaw. Jake’s eyes widened and he looked around.
“Jehn, put it down,” he
said with new found caution. “We have to get out of here.”
“What are you talking
“Now, Jehn!”
She bristled.
“Don’t order me around
like I’m one of your sailors. If you want me to do something, ask, nicely!”
The loud snarl of a big
feline rumbled from the ridge up behind Jehnna and the jungle grew quieter.
“What was that?” Jehnna
asked, her eyes wide.
The hard part of having talents is that things don't always run smoothly when you have to use them under pressure. Leadership comes naturally to Jake, but he doesn't know if he wants to be a leader. He just wants to find his father. If it were me, I'd take all the flying skills and see the universe, without having to battle an evil snake-woman.
There's always an snake-woman or someone equally disturbing, isn't there?
Jake and his crew pull it together, race through an asteroid field with evil in hot pursuit and danger closing in on all sides. They travel into cultures rife with complexity and ancient beauty. I could close my eyes and see the universe that R.J. Wood put on his pages. This story is rich with detail, and complex characters all vying to get to Jake before his powers are fully realized. Only his intuition and his friends save him.
So, forget that the lawn needs to be mowed and dirty dishes fill the sink. Take a break from resisting the current administration in DC. You just want to sit on the couch with your son's copy of Beyond the Moon.
Never mind that he wanted to crack the spine before you got to it. You need an adventure. You deserve an adventure. Go for it.
Thank you for listening, jules
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