Wednesday, January 24, 2018

Luxuriate in Time

The shrinking carbon footprint I would most love to accomplish today is the one in which I stay home all day and don't drive anywhere, not even in my hybrid.

Wouldn't that be nice?

I would further benefit the planet by staying in my pajamas, thus decreasing the volume of laundry for the week. Eating leftovers instead of cooking would allow us to throw out less food. If I could keep from having to run a load of dishes, that would be nice, right? And finally, if I sat under a single lamp reading my book all day, my energy consumption would remain low.

Doesn't that sound nice?

Do I have to think about the production of the book? Was it locally sources? Did it's production occur under sustainable practices? They are good questions, right?

In the meantime, I have the book. I have the compact fluorescent bulb in my reading lamp, and I want to snuggle under a blanket while keeping the room temperature low. All of that is climate-friendly. Right?

I vote that, in an attempt to reduce our carbon footprints, we designate at least one day a month to staying home and lying around.

What would I call it?

Shrinking Footprint Day? Climate-Centered Day?

No, even better. It would feel like a Green Valentine's Day, the day I give a gift to someone I love. You know who I mean, like the 'I'm with her' signs at the protests that show an arrow pointing to a picture of the Earth. And it would be a little gift to me at the same time, to stop the rush- rush of life and luxuriate in time for a change.

Alas, I have to drive somewhere today because we're out of milk, there are no leftovers left in the fridge, and Teddy needs time at the dog park with his friends because yesterday it was blustery and there were no dogs to play with. Yesterday was a sad day for Teddy.

Ultimately, decreasing my carbon footprint means not moving and not moving means either that the book is really good and I can't put it down or that I'm dead.

Nobody ever talks about the ultimate solution to climate change - population control. Does a person have the right to have as many children as they want? It failed in China. It failed miserably. I remember thinking how barbarian it was for a government to take control of reproduction. And yet the trees, the ones who put oxygen into the atmosphere, can't compete with the growth of us carbon dioxide exhalers.

I'm like everyone else. I don't want to be dead, so the solution to climate change is, like Matt Damon said in the movie The Martian, "We need to science the shit out of this problem."

Every move we make should be toward a sustainable solution to everything that is produced and consumed.

And in the meantime, Trump has added a tax to imported solar panels. Remember, he's going to bring back coal. Right? Well, fuck that shit.

Thank you for listening, jules

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